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Dirty 30,Threesomes, & Stripping

I promise I am alive!! It's the end of the month and I work in transportation. Ch ........ I forgot to blog for the week on Sunday so FORGIVE ME!!!! Thanks for all the emails checking up on me. It's weird but I'm thankful! I have three new people that I'm trying to swing into this blog ...
Too Damn Old For This
        - Now To Damn Old for this is a 30 year old woman on the hunt for a man. She has a LONG list of what she wants her man to have. You'll listen to me ...... this list is so gah dang long, I skipped half of it and just replied to her email. She pretty much goes on dates 3/4 times a week trying to find her man. I enjoy her emails because every date is different and I get to give her my "outside" opinion about these guys. One of her rules is he cannot have had sex with anyone within 3-6 months of them dating.
 ummm .. ok .... 
Love Triangle 
          Basically Couple 1 brought in Thing 1 for a threesome. After it was over Couple 1 agreed to not talk to Thing 1 anymore because it would be awkward. Lollipop head from Couple 1, would found Thing 1, kept talking to Thing 1. This later turns into Couple 2. ONLY Thing 1 knows Lollipop head is still apart of Couple 1 but doesn't car. My head you'll ... like ... 

Strip For Rent That One Time
               Dandelion once stripped for her rent money. Then stripped again a few weeks later, and now does it about 3 times a month. The basically transforms into this new person, thanks to make up, and turns up for the pole. She meets some CHARACTERS in the strip club, and is starting to fall into this double life she is living. Problem is ..... her real life is falling apart. I like Rent Stripper, I just need her to get it together.

So I'll be back sooner than you think! *muah* 


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