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Showing posts from July, 2014

Dirty 30,Threesomes, & Stripping

I promise I am alive!! It's the end of the month and I work in transportation. Ch ........ I forgot to blog for the week on Sunday so FORGIVE ME!!!! Thanks for all the emails checking up on me. It's weird but I'm thankful! I have three new people that I'm trying to swing into this blog ...

100(117) Days of FITNESS Join Me

Happy Monday Gems and Gents! I am home from work today dealing with the pre-pms pains. This is the only time I wish I was a guy. Oh, and when I have to pee really bad and have no where to go. Yeah. That's it. Anywho Onward and Upward shall we .........................

I'm officially off team Ride Or Die

Yup, I'm done. I am on team #rideandlive umkay! Live for Jesus! He died for all of us, so that we could live .... so I don't see the point in me,myself, having to "ride and/or die".

D - We're Not Making Love No Mo'

So many people have been asking me " WHERE ARE D'S UPDATE!!!" Well, sit down sit there and let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a man who didn't consider himself bisexual, but liked men. Then one day along came Mellow Yellow! Oh this was a feisty queen,who always got what he wanted.

Personal Day - Out Of Favors

I'm just having a real shat day, so I'm taking a personal blog day to talk about me. Ya'll don't mind do you? First let me say Happy Birthday to an original MEM reader  : my cousin Tonya! I hope you have a blessed day! Even if you don't get everything you want today, thank God you were alive to see it. Check out her guest appearance on my post a while back here . You know what I'm tired of ? I am tired of people only "checking up on me" when they need something.

Dear Mr Elevator Man - Welcome Back

Dear MEM,  I don't live in this area anymore but the one day I decide to head to Publix's, I see you. I didn't know whether to stop and catch up or just go about my business. So me being me ..... I just keep it trucking down the aisle. BUT you being you stopped me and here we are. Let's go ahead and play catch up!  1. Your fiance wants to go to marriage counselling to see if you guys will work. I think that's a great idea! I'm not sure why you are so upset about it. Don't you want to know her different takes on situations? I know I would. I think she is just being cautious since you guys JUST MET; "technically"   2. Your moms are fighting!!! This is horrid, since they are the ones that hooked you guys up! You need to sit down with them both and explain your relationship. On one side, stop telling your mom everything that's going on in your relationship. Of course she's going to say something to your fiance's mom, THEY'RE ...

We Rock It Friday - Heels To The Sky

Happy Friday love bugs!!! We have made it to Friday! I was up until 1249; fixing things up in my house. Am I sleepy? Why yes I am! That's neither here nor there .... on and upwards!!!

Ask Shanice - Final - Can Men and Women Be JUST Friends

I am ANAL today. Like if your not my mama, the hunny,Keisha, a SELECT group of people at work (Deb, Kristine, or Lauren) I do not want to talk to you. Don't stop by my desk, don't text me phone. This week I have been waking up dead on my feet. One night I went to bed at 10 and when I got up at 6 I was EVIL. All week at work I have been fighting to keep my eyes open,and I have plenty of work to do. I pray to God that no one sends me a rude email today, because I will NOT be nice back. Enough of me .. check out the last video for Ask Shanice and Friends ... Its short so no excuses!!!! Can men and women be JUST friends? And the debate begins .......

Ask Shanice - Pregnant By Friends Ex

* uuuhhh do the humpty hump ha do the humpty hump * On Today's episode of "Ask Shanice and Friends" , a young lady would like to know how to move past friendships. Her best friend got pregnant by her very recent ex boyfriend. How can my ex boyfriend be my best friend boooyyyyffffrrrriiieeennnndddddd? * in my Sevyn Streeter Voice*

Ask Shanice -Low Self Esteem, My Girlfriend Sells Drugs & 4 outside kids

Missed Part 1? Look! You've made it to Tuesday!! Let's clap it up for that. ( insert emoji claps ) I've gotten through Monday and no one has died or been cursed out. Look at how amazing God is!! Umkay? UMKAY! Below I have my friends answer a letter from a guy with low self esteem. Brief summary : He's seeing a girl who is always asking him for money. He still lives with his parents trying to move out and she only dates "bosses" .... My advice is kick her ass to the curb. If you are a grown a$$ woman and you cannot afford your bills... hunny you don't need to be dating ANYONE! The second question is from a gentlemen as well. He wants to know what to do about his girlfriend who sells drugs. -_- He has asked her to quit before and she told him " a real man would be getting this money with me." Sir, send me your photo. I have single friends and single followers that would LOVE to give you a shot. Ain't nobody got the time to be f'n wit...

Ask Shanice Week - When Is It Time To Leave

So every month I'm going to launch into answering emails. I get enough emails where I'm about 1.5 months behind. SMH. Shame on me, I know! Some will be in video form and others will just be blame ol' blog posts. This week I have a few of my good friends and siblings answering your letters!!! Today the question is : When do you know when to leave in a long term relationship? Check it out and let me know what you thought! Follow them on IG : @iblowkisses12  @1ndonlyaneisha @dreamsnsuccess  @yoboytez_4 @beautiful_anjail   @ishab00     @pics_n_shit     @icu_lookin4k Also Be Sure to Check out @icu_lookin4k new single #whyyoumad 

We Rock It Friday - TomBoy

I FINALLY HAVE INTERNET!!!! Ok, that had nothing to do with this post but whatever; cheer with me umkay! This week was TomBoy Edition! Idialia LLLLOOOOVVVEEEEE rocking her tomboy style, while I'm somewhere floating in between is this to girly and looking like a stud.


What I'm not understanding is why you people , as in people that drive and talk on the phone, think that you can fully operate your cars. Now I am sitting behind your keke'n (laughing ) ass trying to turn and you have missed 2340872394871398 opportunities to turn!!! See the point in cutting across the gas station, is to short the time you have to sit at the light. Thank to you miss single mom with a daughter, cat, and dog; I have waited the entire length of the light! Then I had to blow my horn at you to go! Like come on ..... FACKING GO!!!!! As we are approaching the next light, you proceed to get off the phone and start adding makeup to your face. I just can't ................ I FN CAN NOT!!! So again, the light changes and I have to blow my horn at you. And let me tell you one damn thing, that little ass bird you keep throwing up at me is going to get your ass beat early this Wednesday morning umkay! You better Go Go Power Ranger and morf your ass on through these lights...

Have You Seent These? - Yes Seent!

Busy Day at work ... no time to blog like I would like .... you can thank punk a$$ Comcast for that ... But have you seen these? Subscribe!!!

Monday Blue's - Don't Piss Me Off

I had a long weekend. Sleep was NOT anywhere to be found. Yes, not anywhere. I don't want to see another paint brush, Swiffer sheet, dish rag, or human in my house for AT LEAST 2 weeks. Now don't get me wrong, I'm glad my home is put together and that my family/friends came down for the holiday. IT WAS JUST A LOT! So today, I'm annoyed. Wanna know why, well I'll tell you boo! Your so sweet for asking.

We Rock It - Fourth Of July

Welcome to We Rock It Fridays!! I've been asked to feature some sort of fashion on here and I was clueless. I took this idea from The Baby Shopa and put my own spin. Meet idalia ! She is sweet as southern tea and if the founder of We Rock Heels. My partner in crime on these Friday link Ups.  4th of July!! Summer summer summertime! Independence Day for the round the way girl is cute and comfortable. We'll rock a little red, white, and blue pride. Keep it girlie with the flowers but we're keeping it comfy with the red converse kicks! Have a drink and enjoy your independence! Today I am super laid back. I'm finally moved in and having a BBQ today. I really only put these shoes on for you'll. lol.  Show us your Fourth of July outfits!  Blogging from my phone so sorry there's no links. I'll repost tomorrow after the internet is installed .... 

Not Homeless in Atlanta - HEYBYE!

So listen ... I love you'll so much. I have not posted since Monday and I have over 300 reads from people checking back in for the daily post. You guys are AWESOME! This blog is a little ol'thing and I appreciate everyone of you. Back to business!