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Randomness Part 4

I have a MEM post but I'm waiting until after his doctors appointment to update you guys. LOL. I could just die to see you guys face after you read that. I'm not saying anymore about that until later. 

Welcome to my random thoughts #4 !!!!

- I have 36 more days until I can get back on Social Media. I don't even know how I've made it these 9 days but here I am. My thumb hovers over the icons so much, it starts to hurt. 

- I think it so weird how you can be super faithful to someone and they always seem to crap on everything you built. Some people in relationships are needy, and need lots of attention. I have seen plenty of relationships fail because someone steps over the respect line because he/she wants more attention from people. When does that person grow up? Would you stay with someone like that? 


- Why is it " the pot calling the kettle black?" My pots are not black they are silver. So does that make my pot a racist? Or is it the coffee pot? Well no because coffee pots are clear. See .... Someone should look into that. 

- I really wish Aunt Flow would drop off a note saying, You have made it another month without a child. Draw some of my blood and get the hell on. But instead I have a full out war every month that I would like to end, and never come back. To think I couldn't wait to become a "woman" when I was younger. Don't buy the dream they sell you girls!!! 

- Why do the children on hoaders always "talk " to their parents about cleaning. Listen, if I EVER go back home and I can't see the ground. I'm sending my mother on a trip and when she gets back there will be no house, but a trailer on the lot. So she can cry and scream and all that but them nasty ass bugs will be long gone! There are always a thousand dead animals and then they cry because the animal is dead. UUUMMMM you haven't seem PEPE ass in 6 months, where you thought he was? Taking an extended vacation under the couch? No PEPE died but you didn't because you got Fred, Thelma, Bam Bam, FEFE, Starfish, Crusty Crab, Bob the Builder, BAPS, Chuck Norris,Carrie BradshawSamantha JonesMr. BigMiranda HobbesCharlotte York and all them walking around. Let's not talk about all that SHIT laying around .... no like real crap out of your .. ok see I'm not doing this. 

- Am I the only person that works out for a week, and I'm in the mirror like " ok I know I dropped like 15 pounds last week" or nah?

- PPPPAAARRREEENNNNTTTTTT, stop letting your kids run wild in the store! And why doesn't his little nasty ass have on SHOES! He is all of 9 years old, sliding down Walmart aisle with dirty, crusty ass socks. Really ..... So when I hit him with my buggy, just know, I will do it to you too. 

- This lady I work with is Charlie and the Chocolate factory all wrapped in one. I want her to eat that thing and fly the hell away. I hate grown ups that complain and whine about things they can change. CHANGE IT AND SHUT UP! 

- What the hell does olly-olly-oxgen-free mean when you touch base in hide and seek? I know it means you touch base and now you can room freely but what special ass kids came up with that long ass phrase. Why can't you just say " BASE! Now i'm going in the house to pee"? 

ok, it's time for me to eat!!! 

sending flowers to PEPE's grave, cause you know he has one. 


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