Dear your lovely people from the north, I come to you with the same love I have for this snow outside, NONE AT ALL! We "get" that this "little snow" is nothing to you, but its a big damn deal to us here. We do not have the equipment to clean these roads up like you guys do,because of the same reason your old ass Memaw has Winter Vacation homes down here. IT'S WARM OUTSIDE! Now I know your thinking, Shanice calm down we are just joking. Well just like them old ass Uggs you've had for 3 years; with all them spots on them, the shit gets old. Out of my 24, almost 25 years of living I've seen snow about ummmmmmmmmmm 10 times. Now only 4 out of those 10 times did it stick, and only 3 out of those 4 times was I stuck in the house. No, we do not have snow tires. FOOORRRR WWWHHHHHAATTTT!! When I go get new tires I'm not thinking, man it might snow during one these 45 degree winter days. No, I'm just not. Hell I don't even think the place I go to ...
Your Un-Creditable Counselor. I don't always get things right, or spell words correctly ... but I give pretty good advice!