YYYYAASSSSS ..... If you do not follow me on social media then you do not know bbbuuttttt
So yesterday was my birthday and I had been bugging his ass allllll day for my gift and he kept putting it off. We went out to dinner, no gift, went to a dessert spot, still no gift. So at this point I'm annoyed as hell. He pulls out this piece of paper and we start writing questions with the yes/no/maybe boxes. He tells me he left my gift at home and I'm pouting but at least I know what I get home I GET MY PRESENT!! I'm all about my birthday if you haven't figured that out. So he says he has to use the restroom and we leave. My feet are siting on the devil and I'm ready to go b/c I'm in 6 in pumps and I'm ready to get to the car. I see him come out the store and I start walking to the car.
Everyone wants to know how it happen, what did he say, what did you have on. So since I share everything else about other peoples lives on here ... I'll share my little moment here. :)
So 11 days before my birthday I started to receive a gift a day, of things I had gotten over the years. I got shoes, my favorite candies, flowers, jewelry and so forth. Now my fiance's (eeeeekkkkk it feel so crazy saying that ) father is getting married this year and he is as extra as my man LOL. So the hunny goes on to tell me that his father is doing the most, how he is getting all his children rings for his wedding and I'm getting on too. So I'm very much like, why is your daddy being so damn extra. And is my homie Jeff ( his sisters boyfriend ) getting one too because that would be awkard. So he says IDK about Jeff I just know you are so we need to go get our ring sizes. No lie, I was so into this story. I'm still thinking this is so damn extra credit, he can just get me a gift card and I'm gucci. Like what is it going to look like, do I have to wear it all the time, what if we break up do I give it back .. just so much stuff I have questions about.
He says turn around , and I'm like UUUGGHH .. I turn around and he has the same paper we were writing questions on and it says will you marry me? I DAMN NEAR PASSED OUT!! I was slow walking backwards .. and I kept saying why would you do that, why would you do that ... I started crying and laughing then this negro gone say " umm you didn't answer the question" -_- LOL!! I said YES and circle that box about 11100000 times.
It's been a lllooonnggg time coming but I'm so overjoyed that it is here. I have had MANY of WHY AREN'T WE ENGAGED YET cry fits at the house and the wait was so worth it. We called and texted everyone we are close to and shared the news. He is so gahdamn cool he doesn't even get overly excited. MEN!! So we thank you for all your encouraging words,and congrats ... although we feel like we are married, we are ready to tackle forever, together.
Now who's going on this crack diet with me b/c a bih gotta be FFFIINNNEEE come May 2016. :)
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