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You just tell the bitch, whoeva she is, when I catch her, Imma beat her ass

Right now at this very moment, my ears are bleeding from my niece high pitch- tone deaf singing ....

I just wanted to let ya'll know that ....

Yeah Yeah I'm not back but I'm posting today. Actually I have a lot of "draft" post that I could set free but I want to go back through and re write them. So let's just talk about me and my life on this here Saturday!!

1. The last week in March and the first week in April have been HELL!! I got a ticket and had an accident a smooth week apart from each other. Mind you - I haven't had either in 10 years. My soul cried out F THE PO PO .. No for real ... The police parked his motocycle between some trees on a side road and was standing at the edge of another road in all black flagging people down. -__- ... Bih this is not hide-n-seek!! Just know DPD ran off on the plug twice with all those people they pulled over that day. I hate sneaking shit like that. We not even gone talk about the accident.

2. I am 10 pounds away from my wedding goal. IT IS SO FUCKING HARD TO DROP THESE LAST 10 POUNDS!!! I'm done. Like for real for real .. this just gone have to be the weight I am. I feel like I look the same ( big as a damn house ) and the emotional toll it is taking on me .. yeah I need a break. It's like every time I eat - I'm thinking will this make me gain a pound - no no just give me water .. but not too much water because I might start retaining. BIH AM IS DONE!!! But good luck to everyone else still on the train ... I'm hoping on the midnight train to GA with this POPEYES $5 box, mild, dark, mash potatoes, red beans and rice, yes make it a combo with a sweet tea, can I also add a strawberry creme pie. Bih total be fucking $10 after that. LOL. BUT WHO ARE ME TO JUDGE!!!

3. I'm never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever having another wedding again. I SWEATERGAWD!!!! I have never been so stressed and just mad for no real reason in my life. And another thing .... LEAVE ME ALONE!!! Stop telling me what I should be doing or calling people telling them what I should be doing or what I have done wrong. You gone f'around and not get an invitation. How bout that .. call somebody and talk about how your invitation got lost in the mail!! What I have learned is people just want to do whatever they can "for you" so they can take credit for something on your day. Listen up .. I'm not even bullshittin you .. this wedding is grand and lavish. My fiance is over the TOP with this wedding ... he knows what he wants .. and he builds it LOL .. his sister and mother are decorating the entire event and just know if you are attending it's gone be mind blowing ... BUT I DON'T NEED YOU THERE umkay? I would like for everyone to come but piss me off enough and it'll be someone at the door telling you " I'm sorry we have reached our 500 people max capacity, you can wait for someone to leave and you can take their seat."

4. I'm in Miami in 3 Days!!! I'm excited but not really excited for my bachelorette party. I just keep thinking about the COINS!! Ya'll know I'm a small business chile ...

5.I wish ya'll would stop it with these love text messages on Facebook. Here Ye' Here Ye' .... those are more than likely fake. See and that's ya'll issue ... you want a relationship where they text you these long Shakespeare ass text messages, you want to them sit up under you all day, confess they love to you on all social media accounts so the world can know ... when at home you motha fuckas BARELY talk! I've dated those long text message mofo's ... shit gets annoying and starts to feel possessive. Know your person. Love how your person expresses themselves or their love for you. Stop trying to change them or crying because you aren't a WCW on their time line. HOE MY MAN DON'T EVEN GOT A SOCIAL MEDIA BIH!! LOL. Grow up .. real men work, take care of home, and express themselves in their own way. This is why you get to know a person before you jump into a relationship ... but what do I know ...

needs a proof reader b/c I'm lazy


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