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Black Face or Nah?

I don't even know how to start this blog off or if it'll even make sense, be grammatically correct but here we go ....

A white teacher from my hometown, decided that he and his wife were going to dress up as Kanye and Kim West for Halloween. No Issue there. Look - I even got you some examples on how to do it :

Now the issue with this "teachers outfit" is that .... he decide .. all on his own .. to paint his body brown. Yes he's entire body. His wife, who posted the photo online even stated " People thought he was a black man" - Direct quote. When I saw him .. these images flooded my mind ... 

Now I know for some of you guys, who possibly are off the grid , you have never seen those photos. BUT every Halloween - for some strange reason - white people feel like "Yes we can pull out our black body paint and became a nigger for a day!!". My dear ... this is black face. No one gives a shit that is it Halloween, you don't think they know it's Halloween? They knew some of you black people would be like " oh lay off, it's Halloween! How else would you know they are trying to be a black person?" Well see I already showed you that above - in photo format - how this can be done.

So just two quick points and I'm out of your hair for today ...

Dear White People ...STOP!! FUCKING STOP! You know the history of black face, probably better than some black people, so miss me with that bullshit off top! Take responsibility for yourself. Guess what .. when I Googled Kanye West Halloween Costumes .... BLACK FACE POPPED UP! You should ask one of your "many" black friends how to dress up as whatever black person you are going for. That way you miss out on having to go into hiding because people are calling you on your shit. Bad decision or not, you know better. You're going to be called a racist. Sorry, well no I'm not, but you are going to be called that. Or you can do blackface, I mean what else are we suppose to call it ..  your fucking face is black, then let someone start a gofundme and become a millionaire.

Now Dear Black People, Whew you mofo's know how to NOT have your cultures back. It's so funny that you will get mad as hell at a black person for being offended - while giving you facts - because you know this person. OOORRR because it's Halloween ...  because a holiday is clearly a day we just let racial shit by pass. I mean hey, you can call me a nigga on Halloween, while in your blackface outfit of course, and I can't say shit because ... IT'S JUST A COSTUME. Lies ... Lies .. and more lies. Now you don't have to be offended by a Halloween costume, but stop fighting other black people because of how they feel. Yes I went on many rants yesterday and I had people fighting me, calling me all types of things because I was being "too sensitive, reason why black and white people can never comes together " .. nah bruh that is not me. I am not the one holding us at a halt. But I am going to call it how it is. You also can stop taking a page out of your white friends book and posting White Chicks, Eddie Murphy, Tropical Thunder because .. Number 1. It let's me know you DON'T know how deep this blackface hate runs. I'm not talking about from me .. I'm talking about from who created it. But then yes, I am talking about for me and others. This was done to make fun of all the features we have, to make us look dumb, ignorant, stupid .... Shit, it was JUST banned in the late 1960's. Most of our parents were born! Meaning those white people that were laughing at that shit .. are still alive .. and their kids that they taught it too .. are still alive ... So stop saying they don't know. Number 2. It let's me also know that you don't read and comprehend very well. Tropical Thunder got hella backlash, almost didn't come out .. White Chicks was not made to offend white people. They didn't stereotype in White Chicks, they were undercover as two girls they were trying to protect. I mean you should go back and watch the movie. Well just fast forward to the end were the real twins and the Wayne brothers see each other.

Either way ... it's blackface ..


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