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STFU : Natural Hair and Beyonce

Welcome! Let me tell you right now I am not in the mood umkay?! I haven't been blogging because my job has me SKKRRREEEESSSSEEEEDDDDD AAAAHHHHHTTTTT ( in my plies voice). I literally just want to sleep when I get home. Unfortunately I end up getting dragged out the house anyways, and honestly that's a good thing. So I'm going to ease back in this thang and I have some surprises/changes happening in March for the blog. Anywho let's get to what I want to talk about today ....

1. Natural Hair isn't for Er'body .....

Listen here .... what you mean to say if some of you guys need to style your natural hair better. It's a growing process,I know because I went through it. Some naturals be out here like they aint seen some Coconut oil, a spray bottle, and a paddle brush in a hot second!!!! BUT for you to say natural hair isn't for everybody ... is like saying having two feet isn't for everybody. Like it belongs to that person. It's LITERALLY what's growing out of their heads. Now I'm not hear to down perms b/c I know a lot of ppl that still get them but ummmmm do you know what perms do to some peoples heads? Chile STFU. Seriously! I have emails after emails about girls being left because their man didn't approve of their baby fro. Well fuck him and keep it moving. If it's not Traci E. Ross natural hair you mofo's stay with something to say. You do the same thing when Viola undresses herself in HTGAWM every week. Get over it. Better yet get over the idea that "straight hair is good hair"! I love my kinks and curls. Yes they are tight, and yes some days they say " Shanice girl, we about to act a damn FOOL on you" and I have to just go with the flow. I grab me a good ol' wig and hit the door. But my natural hair is FOR ME. Just like if you let the hair that's growing out of your head, be just for you.

2. Beyonce's Grammy Performance ............

I'm not sure who ya'll thought was up on that stage, but I feel that Beyonce ( who started off shakey as hell ) had a nice performance, Nah leave it to the "holy ones" to tar'a hole in her for not " being lead in the spirit". This eye roll I am giving ya'll is so hard right now. Yes Ledisi sang that song down, BUT who outside of us( black ppl ) really know her? Hell half you just found out who she was at the BET Awards. Actually, tell me what album you have of hers? I know two people that listen to Ledisi like that, and they are sisters. Did Beyonce singing that song move me? No, but half of you "singers" in church don't move me either with all that screaming and hoppin' n hollarin'. Nah if Fantasia or Miss KeKe Wyatt would've been up there is would've been a wwwwhhhhoooollllleeeeeeee 'notha show hunty!! They would've brought it DOWN! UMKAY!!! The only reason I am saying "holy ones" because those are the only people I see on my twitter dragging this child for filth! The ones that thought Marvin Sapp was the person that got arrested for not paying a prostitute, when it was Warren Sapp. Like wasn't you just saying you never would've made it, but now it's this man is not called by God. Listen Jesus is on the main line, but you tell him what you want, he is not out here being TMZ on what gospel artist is doing what to you.

If you are offended, lets talk about it. I promise you this is way harsher than it seems .......... or not. Either way, what do you think. I don't stan for natural hair or Beyonce  ..... shit just gets old tho.



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