Happy Monday lovelies!!! So Saturday I went on the Roswell Ghost Tour and it was EVERYTHING!

I had SO MUCH FUN! I know you'll are thinking, Shanice why did you take your scary ass on a Ghost Tour. Well no need for judgement geesh! I like to explore different things! We were running late because we had to stop and get flashlights. They were kind enough to wait on us. So glad we got those because the dark and this lady ..... yeah this little 5'3 body will be missing. Any who back to the tour!
Our guide was Jonathan Crooks and he was lovely to say the least. His stories where great and full of information. He was like your favorite uncle you don't see that often but when you do his stories are awesome! Yup, that's him. I wasn't afraid he was freaky Jason's grandson ready to kill us for the $6 I had in my pocket. What a way to die, right? Let me just say this before I go any further. I was NOT one looking to be face to face with a spirit. No ma'am! I went on a ghost tour a while back in Florida and it was fun. So I just went for the history and a few shadows ummkay! Although something patted me on my butt and I was OVER IT. Like heellllooooo, you could pull my pant leg of sum! My Butt? Really .. SMH!
The tour was 3 hours of walking. Lets give a hooray for all the jogging I've been doing for the last few weeks because my legs didn't hurt until Sunday. LOL. I am going to tell you about 2 places and the rest you'll have to go see yourself! :)
1. The Hanging House. Now as a African American woman I felt a type of way. Now not that there was a house called the Hanging House but that the damn thing was still standing. The stories there pissed me off, not only as a black person, but as a woman as well. I won't share them here but bbbbbaaaaabbbbbyyyy .... you'll be ready to get the hell up out of there.
2. The Mill House. This story was so funny and cute. It was about a few spirits stuck in a time machine, if you ask me, waiting on their husbands to get off work. They were scared of the electricity because they never had it and started wrecking hell on the house. Which is HEY-LARRY-US to me because I don't even want to think about how they lived without it. Finally someone told them, ummm ma'ams your husbands left this world a long time ago. A few left, one remained.
So all-in-all I had a great time. Great friends, great guide and wonderful stories. Even if you are type of person that is too scared because you think something is going to follow you home, or you don't believe in this type of thing, you should give it a try. I saw something sitting in the tree and got the hell on back to my hunny. LOL. My mama didn't raise no fool, and whatever that was, wasn't bothering me so I proceeded to not bother it.
No one paid me to do this post. I'm looking to go again, if anyone wants to tag along. :)
Ghost Buster
Our guide was Jonathan Crooks and he was lovely to say the least. His stories where great and full of information. He was like your favorite uncle you don't see that often but when you do his stories are awesome! Yup, that's him. I wasn't afraid he was freaky Jason's grandson ready to kill us for the $6 I had in my pocket. What a way to die, right? Let me just say this before I go any further. I was NOT one looking to be face to face with a spirit. No ma'am! I went on a ghost tour a while back in Florida and it was fun. So I just went for the history and a few shadows ummkay! Although something patted me on my butt and I was OVER IT. Like heellllooooo, you could pull my pant leg of sum! My Butt? Really .. SMH!
The tour was 3 hours of walking. Lets give a hooray for all the jogging I've been doing for the last few weeks because my legs didn't hurt until Sunday. LOL. I am going to tell you about 2 places and the rest you'll have to go see yourself! :)
1. The Hanging House. Now as a African American woman I felt a type of way. Now not that there was a house called the Hanging House but that the damn thing was still standing. The stories there pissed me off, not only as a black person, but as a woman as well. I won't share them here but bbbbbaaaaabbbbbyyyy .... you'll be ready to get the hell up out of there.
2. The Mill House. This story was so funny and cute. It was about a few spirits stuck in a time machine, if you ask me, waiting on their husbands to get off work. They were scared of the electricity because they never had it and started wrecking hell on the house. Which is HEY-LARRY-US to me because I don't even want to think about how they lived without it. Finally someone told them, ummm ma'ams your husbands left this world a long time ago. A few left, one remained.
So all-in-all I had a great time. Great friends, great guide and wonderful stories. Even if you are type of person that is too scared because you think something is going to follow you home, or you don't believe in this type of thing, you should give it a try. I saw something sitting in the tree and got the hell on back to my hunny. LOL. My mama didn't raise no fool, and whatever that was, wasn't bothering me so I proceeded to not bother it.
No one paid me to do this post. I'm looking to go again, if anyone wants to tag along. :)
Ghost Buster
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