Dear Mother of the SCREAMING child , This entire restaurant is staring at you because your child has been SCREAMING for the last 30 minutes. First off, that little stick she keeps hitting you with, take that shit away!! She is knocking you upside the head with it, & she has knocked the glasses off the table, girl WTF!!! Then, she slapped you in the face. STOP. LETS STOP RIGHT THURRRRR!!!!! I need to talk to my ovaries for just a few moments : Dear Ovaries, As I sit here and stare at this little 4 year old girl, headbutt the FACK out her mother, I just PRAY that God gives you the common sense to know that your mother is crazy. If you EVER in the MF MIND headbutt me ON PURPOSE .... i will kill you. No like listen to what I am telling you ... I will beat your ass to the point that if someone sneezing and their head leans towards you ...PANIC ATTACK ACTION will happen!! You will NOT show your ass like this little girl in this restaurant! You will NOT be hooked on...
Your Un-Creditable Counselor. I don't always get things right, or spell words correctly ... but I give pretty good advice!