Dear I Only Love Natural Hair People, LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!!! No serious ... leave ... me .... alone!!! I do not care that you don't like weave, or braids, or anything other than this afro puff. THIS AINT YO GAH DAMN HEAD!!! Unless you plan on going to hair school ( i know the real name of it ), and doing my natural hair HOW I WANT IT everyday .... you can join Spongebob Squarepants at driving school and love on Mrs. Puff bald head ass. I don't understand why you are so concerned with my hair. It doesn't change my blackness, it doesn't change my feelings toward black issues .. what is does it let my black ass sleep in a little bit more in the morning, it gives my hair relief from being handled every day, it helps me express myself with curls, colors, and cuts without damaging this CROWN OF GLORY underneath it all. It seems like you need to have a little talk with your Jesus ... TELL 'EM ... tell him all about your I only love people with natural hair ...
Your Un-Creditable Counselor. I don't always get things right, or spell words correctly ... but I give pretty good advice!