Dear slow rider, The fn police are wwwwwaaaaaayyyyyyyyy over there, with someone pulled over ..... SPEED UP!!! I don't understand why we have to play snail and tortoise with the pulled over police. The speed limit is 55, why sweet Lord biscuit butter ball baby Job, are we going 29. I'll let you in on a little secret ... HE CAN'T GET YOU IF YOU ARE GOING BELOW THE SPEED LIMIT. Now you got an attitude with me because I'm riding your ass. You right I'm riding you because all the other cars are ZOOMING pass us and you still over here driving Miss Daisy. Then when I do get around you, yo punk ass wanna speed up. -_- You kidding right? Just speed up!!!!! At least go 50!!! I'm not asking for much. I'm not, I'm not .. I P R'r O M I S E I'm not being difficult. I just want to not ram your car into that ditch over there and watch it slam into a few of those trees because you are afraid that the police that already have someone pulled over, who is o...
Your Un-Creditable Counselor. I don't always get things right, or spell words correctly ... but I give pretty good advice!