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Showing posts from September, 2014

Dear Mothers Of Fatherless Children

My Mother should be CEO of How To Deal With Shit Ass Fathers LLC. She was GREAT! I never heard one bad thing about my dad, until I brought it to her. Even then she would say, but he is still your dad. So Dear Mothers Of Fatherless Children, 1. Do NOT speak ill about your child's father, around your child. Now we all know how this person is, we all know he doesn't do SHIT, but children don't care who clothes them, feeds them, shelters them when it comes to dad. They love DAD. We know Dad showed up to this birthday party 3 hours late, with a piece of shit ass $5 toy but to this child ... Daddy came to my party. Once they become older and start expressing how they feel about their father not being there, always teach them to respect that person. 2. Don't hold it against him. Some men just aren't going to do what they said they were when you said "I'm pregnant". Remember that this child needs  both parents. If he can't come get him for the wee...

Dear Fatherless Children

My emotions are EVERYWHERE this week. Thanks PMS.    I also had a lot on my mind last week that I was in no mood to actually blog. BBBUUUTTT I'm BACK! While visiting home a few weeks ago, one of my aunt's asked me about how my relationship with my father is. I told her the truth. What relationship? I know he is alive, that's pretty much as far as it goes. She goes on to tell me we need to work it out, I am still clueless on what the issue is, my brother and sister are there telling me I'm stubborn. The Truth is I.AM.TIRED.

VIP Section *Extra Update*

I'm tired and  not feeling like posting so here is an extra from Nina! If you missed the before story,it's literally right under this one. See you on Monday! Did I hear him right? VIP Section tonight? Me? I was already sweating bullets and my shift hadn't even started yet. Damn, Damn, Damn! I get to work with TeTe, who is always nice to me, so I should be fine. Hopefully the men will just want her more than me. I'm not fucking nobody and that's a promise! I've heard about what goes on in there, hell even smelled it. I'm not turning into one of those girls. I'm already a regular, when I was just trying to get some rent money. I ask TeTe who is in the VIP Section and she rolls her eyes and says " local celebrities". I tell her I'm nervous as shit and she just laughs. The body guard comes in and says some homegrown NFL player is in VIP now waiting. I can't do this. I should quit right now. Maybe I can talk them out of the VIP Secti...

#WCW - Stripper Life

If you need a recap click here! I go by Nina Spice, but you can call me Nina. Now this isn't my real name, but it seems that I am turning more into the person I am when I perform, then the real one I take home every night. You know how you say, I'm just going to do this ONE TIME, yup that's me. One time turned into 2 times a month, now I am a regular at the club. I LOVE IT! I love the club. On any given day, I am just a regular girl, that most men pass by. I cover up because I am not 100% sure about my own body. Oddly enough when I put on my "work" attire, and I walk to the stage ...... Nina Spice is fully available for you to seek all she has to offer. I'm your man's perfect stripper. I'm friendly, I give him all the attention, and even when he gets a little hands on ..... I let 'em. So he continues to come back just to see is Miss Spice is working tonight. My real life is in shambles. I hate school, I hate lying about my work, people are ...

My Southern Mother Spanked , Do you?

Yes, I got spankings and I turned out fine. Yes I had marks when I got whipped with a switch, but I am also light skin so I bruise if I squeeze my arm to long. In the south, we spank! It's just something that is understood. I don't think it should be frowned upon, because some of ya'll should have been spanked!

Sick and Shut In

Afternoon ............ I feel like SHAT! No seriously I have not been feeling well since Friday. I had to leave work on Friday and it come in waves. I was ok this weekend but I knew if I eat to much I would over do it. I lost 5 pounds though! Even though it wasn't the healthy way. Heck, I may lose 5 more if things continue to go this way. I have plans to go to the hospital sooner or later. Knowing me, it'll be later than sooner. I am just terrified of needles ya'll! I also broke my iphone and it doesn't work. I'm not at all upset about it. (: I am taking a MUCH needed break from the "social" world and focusing on me. Everyone who needs to contact me knows how, and if you don't ... well there is a contact form on here if you want to chat or have a question. Earlier this month when I lost my first 15/17 pounds, I took a social media break. It was AWESOME! I lived! I didn't live so I could post it online, or dress up so I could post the selfie...

My Mother and her THOT Ass friends ....

Good Morning! So this morning this guy parked pretty close to me, I back out and pull back in to make sure I have room to get out. Listen, again I am not thin, I have to get all this ass out my low riding car. So as I open my door, it taps his door. You would've thought I put a dent in the door and called his mother everything but her name. My day has already started off bad. -_-

Nothings On My Mind

No, seriously .. I have nothing to talk about today. The weird part is I actually sung the title in my Tina Turner voice. * starts rocking my shoulders * I have three back to back meetings in 10 minutes, so let's knock this out AIGHT! 1. Support black businesses. These are usually the first places to hire US! I hate to see people try to knock other people down because they aren't doing shit. There is clothing store in my hometown that is doing very well for themselves and people STAY trying to go at them. I've been in there a few times, but until I get this weight up off me ... ummm shawty can't wear nothing in there. But it's cute tho!!  2. STFU sometimes! GAH DAMN! Sorry, I just needed that. I swear some of you guys just talk and fuss to do so. You know how your parents use to say " shut up cause nah you just talking to hear yourself talk". Oh , so ya'll trying to say that was just my mama? Whatever ... 3. Last but not least ... if you a...

Hands and Feet Inside the Compartment

I'm going to tell you RIGHT NOW ... this post is NOT what you think it is. If you have a comment back about what I'm about to say. be respectful. I am NOT in the mood today. I have a headache, these people in my work inbox are nuts and I'm hungry. So I want to talk to my ladies about keeping your gah damn hands to yourself. Let me say that I am NOT here for domestic violence AT ALL! I will not be commenting on the Ray Rice situation, point, blank, period. I will be talking about handsy ass women. I think I just made that word up ... anyways ...

Depression and Weight Loss

Well hello there!! Before we get into today's post, which is a little long, I just wanted to say my lunch sucked ASS!!! I'm having a no meat during work hours week and this wheat pasta stir fry I made ... I know the devil sent his minion to my fridge last night and made this taste like this. I KNOW IT! YUCK! So let's just say I am ready to RUN home and JUMP into something to eat. I pray I don't get a hungry headache, although I can feel it coming. Anywho .. onward and upward shall we (: Many people ( like 3)  have been asking me about my weight journey. So I'm just going to share a little bit of what's been going on with me. While doing that I will also touch on depression, something I know about personally.

My Boyfriend is Gay but I still want him.

Happy Friday Lovelies!!!! So I was sitting in my bed, watching law n order: svu and checking emails. I came across an email and the title was " My Boyfriend is Gay but I still want him". This was AALLLLRREEEAADDDYYY #TEAMTEWMURCH for me but I did my best to answer.

Dear White Lady, My Butt is Big Sorry(Not Really)

Dear White Lady at my job, I'm MORE than positive you have seen big butts before but for some odd reason, you have an issue with mines. I do not wear tight clothes because, I'm a thick girl .. my everything needs to breath; but my dresses do rise in the back as I walk. I cannot help that it does that. You should really take this up with my parents or God because I didn't create me. I just want to tell a few things for you so this awkward stare at my ass, face pinched up, situation can move along. Yes I do see you making faces when I walk by, and even discussion my butt with others, which is WEIRD!