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Showing posts from December, 2013

New Year?

I'm going out with friends tonight on a party bus. Pray for my liver!!! Starting Monday I will drop counting down to my birthday in March, and started my new weight loss journey. So I hope you guys are safe and have a great NYE!!!!! See you sucks in 2014!!!!!!! xoxoxox coming in like a wrecking ball!!

2014 is YOUR weight Lost year!!

Happy Monday Lovelies!!  So, if you have been here since day one you know weight is always on a sistah's mind. Remember ? So a few people emailed me about starting a weight lost group. Now I'm looking at my gut like these people must've lost all their marbles to Dora on their last trip to " who the hell do they think I am" land, right? So I reached out to my FaceBook friends and people stated they wanted in. So although I'm still scratching my head, I have a fitness group now!!!    This group is really just a motivational group. I know that it gets really hard trying to lost weight alone, when you feel like you are doing so much, but so little is happening. We will have 45 day challenges, prizes for who loses to most weight, and motivate each other to make it to our goal. I AM NOT a weight lost guru or trainer, so any questions about to much; your on your own. I just know what works for me and hopefully it will work fo...

Dear You Mad or Nah?

Email from reader : Dear UnBelievers, I just want to tell you all to shut the hell up! For the last two weeks I have been seeing people post about how they do not want to hear anyone say " New Year, New Me ". I think that is so far beyond stupid, that I have actually un-friend a few people. If people want to better themselves for the new year, who are you to stop them? I understand that it's a few people that are just talking up Jack n Jill's hill, but some people have had a rough 2013. I have witness many people struggle just to make it through 2013, so for you dog face people to say : You ain't gon' do nothing; that sets me off. Give people a BREAK! Just because you been stealing the same peoples idea's and selling the same dime bags to your cousin since 2001; don't mean others cant change! So to anyone that is striving to be better in 2014; hats off to you! That means you have learned enough to grow into a better you. To everyone else * middle f...

Dear MEM , Your name is

............. So let me properly introduce myself. My name is HOOOOOOLLLLDDDDDDDD IT!  Let's start from the beginning, shall we? While waiting for the elevator, I get a light tap on my shoulder.  Me : Turns around .... Well hello there Stranger Danger! I thought I wouldn't see you until the new year. MEM : Morning Spit Fire! Can I borrow a minute of your time?  Me : Sure, get in. You know the Fed's watching. * goes to first floor*  MEM: Why? Me : Nevermind .. ( he killed the ENTIRE VIBE ) MEM : What's this your listening to? Me : Nothing, I just always put my headphones in because if I don't ... well * stares at MEM * people talk to me. So what's up, I've got less than 5 minutes.    MEM : I just wanted to say thank you.  Me : Your Wel- MEM : You didn't let me finish.  Me : 0.o oookkkkaayy MEM : I want to thank you for all your sound advice. Honestly, I wish I could clone you and date you mys...

Where is MEM?

Your best guess is my best guess. Is it weird that I look for him now? I feel like he is my kid coming home from college and I'm waiting for my update. I'm waiting to see his first girlfriend from college or for him to tell me about how he likes this girl but he needs moms advice. Don't judge me! After our last encounter, I was weirded out; but I am itching to get my weekly fix! Hello, my name is Shanice and I'm addicted to MEM updates. They say the first step is admitting it, right? I don't want to date him. I hate that pretty much everyone thinks I want to date him. That is f'n nasty! Don't get me wrong, he is easy on the eyes .... BUT my heart belongs to someone else. So let's see ... I think he is somewhere on vacation, hooking up with as many women as he can. He will come back and tell me all about his adventures, and I will judge him. ( Because that's what I do.) He will tell me he has met THE ONE, yet again. I will know nothing about her but I...

Maybe We Should've Just Ended

I'm pretty sure we have went over this topic but it is FRESH in my spirit, so I am writing you lonely lovers again. I want you to pull out your pens and papers to take notes, because I'm SICK OF YOU! How do you let someone who continues to treat you like shat, only pays attention to you when whomever they are checking for isn't checking for them, run your name in the mud; BACK into your life. I am by far no relationship expert but some of you mofo's are just NOT GETTING IT. I don't think you ever will. It's so funny because, from whatever world you got a ride to from Future on his way to the Moon,this is morally ok. You even have  people on your planet living the same life as you. I mean, let the hunny cheat on me and it's A WRAP! Thanks for coming out! You all did great. ROLL THE CREDITS IN THIS MUTHA. But not only does this person cheat on you, but you blast them about it, but 1 month later its < closed captions : me and the boo; let them haters hate ...

Conversation at the Drive Thru

Me : Hi, Can I have a Sausage Biscuit and a Hashbrown. That will be all. Worker : Ok so that's a Sausage Biscuit, Bacon and cheese Biscuit and a hashbrown. Would you like something to drink with that. Me : No, that's wrong. I want A sausage Biscuit, and 1 hashbrown. That's it. ( still in a good mood )  Worker : Ok so that's 2 Sausage Biscuits and 1 hashbrown. Does this complete your order. Me : ( over it at this point ) NO!! * leans out the window* I JUST WANT ONE, SINGLE SAUSAGE BISCUIT AND ONE ORDER OF HASHBROWN. ONE OF EACH. JUST ONE, UNO.  Worker : Ma'am please hold so that I can correct your older. Me : -__- you have GOTS to be kidding me Worker : Ma'am was that just a regular sausage biscuit? Me : Is there someone else in there to help you, because I'm not sure where we are missing the blue's clues. Worker : Excuse me? Me : Do you need me to pull up to the window? Worker : No ma'am. I have your uno sausage and uno ha...

Dear Men, STFU!!

Listen, I am SSSOOOOO sick of you men talking shat about women who watch Scandal and love Beyonce. I enjoy them very much, so understand that what I'm about to say comes from the heart. STFU! If I see one more of you post about "oh I"m so happy my girl don't watch that slut Scandal show or idolize Beyonce " I will personally pick you and your "girl" apart; flaw for damn flaw. We do not idolize Beyonce. We enjoy her just like you'll enjoy standing out in the cold for hours to get the new jays. Or when Kendrick dropped that Control verse, or when Jay Z dropped a COMMERCIAL about his upcoming album.  Neither is Scandal a "slut ass show". But again you don't watch it so you don't know. Just because your girl doesn't do the above things, doesn't make her any better or worst than the ones that do. I actually know a nice amount of guys that watch Scandal with their girl. She's probably secretly watching it on Hulu Plus the n...

The Gift Of Giving HHHEEELLLLOOOOO to my lovely MEM readers! So, today I will not be talking about my craziness BUT about someone in need.  A GREAT friend of mines, cousin, is in a financial need at this time. Her name is Aisha Brown and she had been diagnosed with Stage 3A Breast Cancer. She is fighting but due to this she is unable to work at this time. This awesome woman has children that depend on her to be mommy even when she has little to no energy. If you have ever been around someone fighting cancer, you  know they have their good days and bad days. Her ever so lovely cousin, Rissa ( hey girl! ) , started a Donation Fund to help relieve a small amount of stress.  Now, I'm pretty sure none of you know this BUT I had a Breast Cancer scare a few years back. Let me just praise God for the lump disappearing! WONT HE DO IT! I have lost my grandmother to this stupid thing and I support this cause, hands down! No one asked me to post thi...

Randomness Part 3

Ya'll, it's so dang cold outside I can't even think. This morning I was just like Jesus if you would just be a sun ray on this 5'3 caramel lady, I will shout for joy in the parking lot. I didn't get that sun ray until a few moments ago but the wind didn't blow so I did a 2 step any ways. Well it was more like an air hump in the car b/c I wasn't about to stand out there to much longer. I have to walk a little slow down my steps b/c everyday I almost commit suicide on them! Somehow my feet decide they want to go one way and my body is going another way .... I"m just screaming the Lords Pray trying to keep everything together. LOL. That's so not funny but I'm laughing as I write this so whateva! It's my blog!   I had this weird dream about someone in my accounting department at work that had me on fire! She came to my desk and just went HAM on me. Listen, that lady and I were having words UMMKAY! She wanted me to work faster and I wanted her ...

Dear Ladies, Please Follow The Potty Rules

I'm not sure why you want to use the potty right next to me, when there are 3 other stalls free but lets not do it again. We have bathroom rules!! I'm not sure if you are not aware of them or if you just don't care. BBUUUTTTT my dear ladies, I CARE! I am just trying to get in and out of the bathroom and back on the floor and here you go with your feet almost touching mines. Umm excuse me neighbor, why art thou so damn close to me? Oh and it's always you gassy people that sit right next to me. So not only am I trying to pee, and make sure our feet don't touch, you are also honking horns over there with no spray. I JUST CAN'T YA'LL! I JUST CAN NOT DEAL! Didn't Mother Bathroom come to your school and teach you the rules? Well she didn't comes to mines neither but I still know to take my ass down a stall. So miss ma'am that sat beside came into the bathroom behind me, sat in the stall next to me, starting honking for Jesus, while singing a little t...

Dear Mister Mister, it's POURING!

I just don't understand why you are running in the rain. HEEEYYYY TAKE A DAMN DAY OFF!! It is pouring down and you are out here doing a 1,2 step dance move. Now I will not splash the water on you, as I am driving by, but I'm not sure what those two pair of socks and Wal-Mart bag on your head is doing for you. Please get with the other rain dancers, I mean runners and get with the indoor gym pimpin! Try it out, try it out, try it out, yyyeeaaaahhhh ( in my Kandi voice) I just want you to know that the flu is REAL in these streets. Those 300 calories you out there burning, aint got SHAT on sounding like Michel'le cause you can't breath. You could've did some lungss and crunches at your house while watching SVU on USA, instead of trying to live like SpongeBob under the damn sea.  xoxoxoxo Warm inside this car

Dear MEM | This is getting weird now

I haven't seen you since last week and I thought you would be mad at me. YET you are leaning over me, giving me the goo-goo eyes. * que song " bag back bag back, give me 50 ft, give me 50 ft, give me 50 ft" * And what in the hell are you talking about, mistletoe  and holiday spirit ..... Let me just play back the scene for you.  I bend down to tie my shoe and look up and here you are .... grinning like a fool! Me : You should really make a noise before you sneak up on people MEM : laughs Your so little. You had to get all the way down just to tie your boots.   Me : whatever  MEM : Don't you just love the Christmas Holiday. I love this time of the year.   Me : I do love this time of the year.  Now your leaning over me   MEM : So have you been naughty or nice this year? Me : Excuse me? MEM : I am Santa's little helper and I need to know so I can report back.  Me : 0_o I've been VERY nice. Wouldn't you say? MEM: ...

Dear Family, You Kinda Suck

This is more for me than for you readers so sorry in advance.  Every since our Grandmother passed, a while back, it's like pulling teeth to get all of you in the same house for a holiday.No one wants to host, no one wants to cook, no one wants to drive,like WTH!  I'm not sure what the hell is your issue, but I'm sick of this. I live out of state and it's hard enough on me not to see my mother when I want! BUT when I come home, I want you all in one house, eating, laughing and creating memories. YOU HAVE TWO SIDES TO YOUR FAMILY!! People get so caught up in what they are doing in their household, they tend to forget that cousins are suppose to be your first best friends, uncles are who you get the "boys" talk with and sports updates, that you aunts are always gossiping about back in the day ,that we both have the same scar on our knees because we fell off the bike together! That nobody cooks red velvet like one of your aunts, that your cousin is hilarious fo...

Dear Mr Handsie, BACK OFF

Dear Mr. Handsie,  I am just trying to pay for my gas and keep it moving. I know that I have this head scarf wrapped around my face in a way that seems to turn you on ..................... but this little chicken right here wants you to place those hands BACK behind the counter. ARE YOU RUBBING THE SIDE OF MY HEAD?? WHY! OMG, your hand is running down my arm. Don't freak out, don't freak out ... Get your 4 wives having, gas station owning, wrinkle face hands OFF OF ME!!! I don't know what it is about me that makes you think that you can put that fragile hands on me but listen up Barney and Friends ..... that aint me! And why is the Sweet name of JESUS are you trying to take my dang scarf off to see my face!! Mr. Creepy Mac Creep A Lot SSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!! You would think me saying " Get your hands the F off of me" would be kind of harsh, but your smiling. 0.o Here's a tip, if you wanted to make me wife number how ever many, you could'...

Let It Snow!

Well not really because I don't want to be stuck in the house. Anywho HAPPY MONDAY!! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday. We welcomed a new baby into the world and celebrated family. I stayed in Atlanta, but I will be hitting the road back to Decatur for Christmas. I miss my family like no other. Thank God for Skype because I was able to see their smiling faces. For those of you that hit the stores on Black Friday ...... glad to see you may it out alive. I also want to say RIP to Paul Walker. SMH. I was so shocked and hurt. I love his movies. So I finally got my tree up ....... I think we did a good job for our first tree!   Although we forgot lights, everything on our tree came from The Dollar Tree. Our Tree came from Wal-Mart for $20, which wasn't bad at all. I didn't want to get a huge tree because I really didn't have that much room in my living room with all my furniture. If you get ornaments from The Dollar Tree, be sure to place them on so...