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#Bridebootcamp - Week 2 What I'm Eating

I think Sunday's will be my hey let's talk about weight/what I'm eating/what I'm stressing about wedding spot. I don't really feel the " pressure " of blogging on Sunday's and I'm pretty sure no one will read this anyways. So let's see what I have to say this Sunday :)

This week for breakfast I am having egg boats and a shake. The shake is really for the ride to work because my stomach stay doing back flips on that 20 minute ride. I'm excited about the egg boats. I found the recipe on Pinterest. I used 4 eggs, cheese, bacon,and broccoli. (:

I bought the bread from Kroger and baked it for 12 minutes on 400. Afterwards I peeled the inside out and added everything I listed above. Placed it back into the oven for another 10 minutes or so. Once the egg stopped running I took it out.

This week breakfast/lunch prep looks a little like this :
Back in the gym this week and adding weights!!! I don't think I have lost any weight yet but I'm still on it!! I am trying to drop a good 50 pounds before my wedding in May of next year. That number really intimidates me so I like to say 25 pounds by August, Then the next 25 by March 2016. Are you on a healthy weight lost journey? I recently joined a group on facebook that is pretty awesome. Check them out :

Ok, until next Sunday *muah*


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