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Dear Mothers Of Fatherless Children

My Mother should be CEO of How To Deal With Shit Ass Fathers LLC. She was GREAT! I never heard one bad thing about my dad, until I brought it to her. Even then she would say, but he is still your dad.

So Dear Mothers Of Fatherless Children,

1. Do NOT speak ill about your child's father, around your child. Now we all know how this person is, we all know he doesn't do SHIT, but children don't care who clothes them, feeds them, shelters them when it comes to dad. They love DAD. We know Dad showed up to this birthday party 3 hours late, with a piece of shit ass $5 toy but to this child ... Daddy came to my party. Once they become older and start expressing how they feel about their father not being there, always teach them to respect that person.

2. Don't hold it against him. Some men just aren't going to do what they said they were when you said "I'm pregnant". Remember that this child needs  both parents. If he can't come get him for the weekend, take him over. My mom was an ADVOCATE for dropping my crying ass off at my dad's house for the weekend. EVERY.DAMN.TWO.WEEKS!! Although my father still wasn't around, I got to know my brothers and sisters and we share some GREAT memories. Yes, you know he is just going to take the baby over his mama house but still take them.

3. CHILD SUPPORT!!!! Listen, even if you are ballin' out of this world, get child support. If nothing but every time he look at that check it's a reminder to him that HEY YOU! YOU HAVE A CHILD!! You can put it up and give it to your child every birthday, or all those HEY MOM, I WANNA LEARN HOW TO TREE WATCH lessons you didn't set aside money for. GET IT! My mom put me in every sport I asked with that money, bought school clothes, and at a certain time would just give it to me to spend on whatever. I bet his ass would rather be there then getting them pockets hit!

4. Sisters and Brothers .. they need to know each other. Reach out to his other baby mothers. Set aside all differences and let your children know who their siblings are. Sometimes the bond between them is what keeps them on the straight and narrow; regardless that the father isn't there. Sometimes this makes the father get his shit together because all of his children are loving each other and being together without his introduction.

These are just little things as a fatherless child that I notice from my mother vs some other mothers. You have your good girlfriends to vent about your baby father too, don't do that in front of your kids. Now they have mixed feelings because of you. Let them grow their own thoughts about their father. When he lies and doesn't come, do something to take their mind off of it. Don't say, that mf aint shit, knew he stupid ass wasn't coming ... like girl .. I'm already crying. There is no need to bash him more. Do NOT try to push another male on them to be a father figure, they will gravitate to whomever they choose. Always remind them that they are special and BE THERE. They already have one parent who is absent. Don't spend so much time trying to work two jobs * cough number 3 helps * that you are almost as absent as he is.

Now for the guys reading this, I know there are some banana creme pie females out here that are running you in circle. Take your butt to court and get your rights. That's all I got for you'll because this here post ain't for you'll.

Single Mom's Rock


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